
All webcasts are available as podcasts on Apple, Stitcher, or Spotify.

AI/ML in E-commerce: Predicting User Value

Soundbites of the brilliant Richard Harris, founder of <intent>. This webcast will help you understand why it’s so important to segment your potential customers (spoiler - because you don’t want to pay for visitors that are just browsing). Learn the evolution of digital advertising and why those with data driven solutions are delivering the greatest value to clients.

Watch the full video here.

Computer Vision in Business: The Power of CV

Soundbites of celebrity author and data scientist, co-founder of RIVER ai, Ankur Patel explaining Computer Vision. Watch this webcast to learn:

- What is the holy grail of CV.

- Why CV has become so popular.

- The challenges of building CV models.

- Why you need more than a Data Scientist to build a CV solution.

- The future of CV.

Watch the full video here.

AI/ML in Business: The Urgency of Data

Soundbites of our inaugural webcast, in which celebrity author and data scientist, co-founder of RIVER ai, Ankur Patel sharing why it is important to collect and use data today.

“If you don’t have [customer, product, and organizational] data, you’re basically a dinosaur.” Other valuable insights include:

- The expected costs of an in-house data team.

- When to use an off-the-shelf platform solution, versus a custom built solution.

- Why Google Cloud Vision and Amazon Rekognition may not be the right option for your organization.

Watch the full video here.

AI/ML in Retail: Dynamic Discounting

Soundbites of RevTrax CEO, Jonathan Treiber sharing stories of how his company built an offer-management platform featuring dynamic discounting. RevTrax clients include major retailers and CPGs.

If your marketing efforts include offering discounts, coupons, or other promotions, you need to listen to Jonathan.

Watch the full video here.

NLP: The Frontier of AI in Business

Soundbites of celebrity author and data scientist, co-founder of RIVER ai, Ankur Patel explaining NLP. In this podcast, you will learn:

- How Gmail is finishing your sentences.

- Why you should be using NLP to read your documents, emails, and contracts.

- Why call centers are struggling with chatbots.

- How NLP is transforming healthcare.

- Why information retrieval is the future of NLP.

Watch the full video here.

How Brands are Using Data to Optimize Marketing

Soundbites of the panel discussion centered around brands using data to optimize marketing during the Covid-19 pandemic. Watch celebrity author and data scientist, co-founder of RIVER ai, Ankur Patel moderate this panel of notable professionals from Mondelez International, IBM, Camelot SMM, and Narrative I/O.

Watch the full video here.